Thursday, May 10, 2012

What?!?! You are a stay at home mom????

No one would have ever thought I would become a stay at home mom. Heck I didn't even think I would be a stay at home mom myself. Just the thought of sitting at home all day doing nothing was not my idea as productive. Now that I am a mom I can't imagine leaving my child for hours at a daycare or with a sitter. Now once he gets to be school age , if I decide not to home school then will I return to the work force. That should make everyone who knows me personality pretty excited to know that my college degrees and certification titles aren't going to waste. And I have learned quickly that stay at home moms do not just sit at home all day. Taking care of my baby is a full time job and I am thrilled to be the one doing it. I have witness so many firsts that I probably wouldn't have seen if I was in the workplace.

One of my pet peeves as a Stay at home mom is that everyone thinks of me as a free babysitting services, and I am sure that a lot of other moms who choose to stay at home with their kids get the same treatment. Many folks feel that just because , we don't work outside the house, we sit around and do nothing , therefore we have all the time I the world an can handle watching your kids as well as our own. I am so sorry and I hate to sound rude but I didn't leave my high paying job to become a stay at home mother just for the heck of it, or because I didn't have anything else better to do. I did it because I wanted to raise my child without any outside influences. I am so sorry but I can not become your babysitter because as you see it , I don't work and therefore have the time to watch your kid. My day starts off like a normal work day, we get up, eat breakfast, play. Do some chores . And if I have to run any errands I would only prefer having my kid with me not anyone else's if I can help it.

Now in the other hand I get rude comments from folks who think that me staying at home is pretty much a waste of my college degrees and certification titles. I hear it constantly that I need to put my son in daycare and return to the workforce. They somehow feel that he is not being socialize enough. And that is so completely untrue, He attends Play dates, he goes to the church nursery during service. And when he sees other children , he never backs away as though he is shy but he runs towards them eagerly ready to play, I enjoy every moment that I spend with my little boy, watching him explore and learn about the world around him. I don't think that I wasted time going to college just to become a stay at home mom,

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