Wednesday, October 17, 2012

My basic rules for mothers who choose to exclusively Pump Breast milk

1.) Get a Pump: If you are going to do this you will need to invest some money in a pump. I recommend a double electric pump. Hospital grade would be best but as for most, they are typically out of most people's price range. I personally recommend the Medela Pump in Style . Some people do manage to get through with a manual pump such , but according to the "experts" the best way to stimulate milk production is to double pump.

2.) Get pumping: For the first 12 weeks of your baby's life you will need to pump every 2-3 hours, 24 hours a day to establish a good supply. If you were breast-feeding that would be the same amount of times your baby would normally eat in a 24-hour period. You will need to pump a minimum of 15-20 minutes and will need to pump 5 minutes past flow to stimulate milk production. If you don't fully empty, it can decrease your supply or lead to problems like plugged ducts and mastitis. This means if it takes 45 minutes to empty your breasts you have to pump yet another 5 minutes. After the initial 12 weeks you can usually start to drop pumps. Most choose to drop the middle of the night pump first. For most the first pump in the morning will yield the most breastmilk.

****After you pump you may want to use a product like Lansinoh to moisturize your nipples. Do not use just before you pump. It is sticky and can cause cuts. Some have used olive oil as a natural lubricant between their breasts and horns. Also letting yourself air dry or putting breast milk on cuts can be helpful. If you wear breastpads make sure you change them frequently.****

3.) Storing: Please click on the following link for storage guidelines. Don't forget to date and rotate your stock. It may also be helpful, at a later date, if you include information on the label, such as the amount of breastmilk enclosed, any medications taken (ibuprofen, acetaminophen, etc.), and if a potentially gassy food was eaten that day. An example of this would be next month when your baby has an upset tummy, you will know that the culprit could be that broccoli casserole you had for dinner before you pumped and know to possibly eliminate that food while pumping.

4.) Cleaning and Sterilizing: You will need to clean and sterilize your pump parts daily. A trick some pumpers use is that between pumps we put our pump parts in the fridge in a Ziploc bag. If you choose this time-saving method, then once a day, you will need to either hand wash the parts with hot soapy water and let them air dry or run them through a cycle in the dishwasher.

5.) Supply: There are many things that can either hinder or help your supply.

In my experience this is what can be helpful:
-making sure you get enough calories (200-400 more than when you were pregnant)
-drinking a ton of water
-getting enough rest
-using herbal supplements, such as fenugreek, goats rue, stinging nettle and/or mother’s milk tea (available at most vitamins stores such as GNC) or blessed thistle (available online) - please check with your doctor before starting one of these supplementations
-some doctors have even prescribed Reglan (metoclopramide)
-oatmeal (not the instant kind)
-relaxing while pumping (make yourself a handsfree bra by simply cutting holes, in an old bra, just big enough to slip the pump horns through)
-looking at a picture of your baby if you are not with your baby
-if your baby will comfort suck this can stimulate production
-warm compresses while pumping
-massage while pumping

This is what can hinder:
-not eating and drinking enough
-not sleeping enough
-not pumping long enough to empty breasts
-wearing underwire bras or bras that are too tight
-skipping pumping sessions (especially in the early weeks)

What do you do if your supply is slipping?

Have a Pumpathon. You will need to increase the number of minutes and sessions you pump in a day. I suggest, if you can, every 2 hours (or as much as your boobs can take) for a full 24 hours. You will likely see an increase in a day or two.

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