A few weeks ago , in the jackson metro area, we had a severe stormed that produced softball sized hail. I knew that a storm was in the forecast and that the weatherman said that it would move into the area around 4pm and that this storm could produce hail but I didn't take him seriously. And true enough around 4pm this weird loud banging noise was heard outside. I looked out the window of my house and it was hailing and hailing hard. Cars and houses were damaged and getting your windshield replace was going to take days because of all the damage cars in the area. So I know you are wondering well ....why are you waiting this long to write a blog about a hail storm. Well I waited this long because of the fact that this new product was brought to my attention. It's called a hail tent that is supposed to protect your car from hail damage for a nice price of $500. Seriously? Someone wants us to pay them $500 for what looks like an Inflatable air mattress to put over our cars to protect it from hail damage. Did the inventors not think their product through? That hail went through car windshields, and tore up houses and damage the roofs of houses. As a matter of fact , the movie theater in Pearl had to close for repairs because of the hail damage that it received to the roof. So what make you think that your blow up tent would prevent hail damage , especially hail the size of softballs like what we experience a few weeks ago.
Wow. I have never seen anything quite like that. I would think it would be a good idea for your car though. However, I would think it would bounce right off and hit something else just as hard. Then the hail damage repair can probably be even more costly. Thanks for sharing this good/bad/interesting invention